I’m Erika
wife to my highschool sweetheart, we’ve been married for almost 8 years now. Mother to Ryan, Elyse, and Luke and we live in the suburbs of Houston, Texas. If you stumbled here you probably already know a little bit about me. My life as a mother has changed me completely. It’s full of sleepless nights, overflowing dirty diaper piles, and multiple overloading baskets of laundry. I have always enjoyed reading other moms stories about motherhood and I think we all agree we are all in this together. I love blogging about our everyday moments; about life, easy meals, kids style, marriage, and mainly the joys of motherhood.
I started this blog as a way to document my kid’s milestones. I feel time is passing me by and I don’t want to miss out on anything. There’s this paradox of motherhood. It’s good and bad and everything in between all mixed together. But I see the value in it, even though its hard, its messy, but ohh so rewarding. Just sharing the reality of it all with a few things in my life that keep me going anything that involves food, movie marathons and late date nights with my husband and I’m there!