As a mother I take hundreds of pictures of my kids, obviously my close friends think I am crazy and tease me all the time as they tell me to put the camera down. My little sister hates sometimes being stuck as my “photographer” for the day when I ask her to snap a couple of photos of the kids and I when we go out. And well…my husband already knows he has no other choice, and besides he enjoys being on the other side of the camera. Which is why I love him even more, he totally gets me because you can never have too many pictures of your family! I mean how can you not have all these cute photos of your little ones? I can’t be the only one..right?
I just love capturing moments of my kids whether if it’s simply at home, playing in the neighborhood park, hanging out at the mall, going out for dinner with friends or any special family gathering I tend to snap a few photos when I can get the opportunity. Which is why my iPhone is overloaded with all my photos taken with my Canon Rebel and using up all the little available storage space that’s left. And honestly many of my photos just stay there and I tend to forget to share them with family and mostly never get to upload them on social media nor send them to get printed. I guess I keep them for my own self, as I get to look back at how much my kids have grown. I tend to do that quite often.
With that being said, I’ve realized that soon the holidays will be here now that the Halloween festivities are coming to an end. And as sad as it is to admit to myself my baby is already ONE, as a matter of fact he is going on a year and a half soon and I have yet to print out his first year photos. Two weeks ago I hadn’t even started on his first year book like a typical good mother should and I felt terrible about it. I remember with my first child I started a scrapbook way before he was born, by the second month I was halfway done with it. Back then I had so much more time and a routine. Fast forward to now I’ll admit that being a mom of 3 kids is overwhelming, chaotic, and there is always so much to do and so much going on that finding time to work on one can tend to feel time consuming. Which makes me put it off even longer, no wonder I procrastinate on a lot of things. I am kinda ashamed to admit we have no photo books in our home, although I have always loved the thought of making one. And that is why I turn to Shutterfly.
Oh we love shutter fly books!!
It's my first one of many more to come. I was so happy with this book you have no idea!
This reminds me to make one for my little girl! So sweet. <3
xx Lexi, Glitter, Inc.
Yes, it'll be perfect to do.
what a great idea to do a book for his first year!
I know, I'm so happy I did. Thank you
I love it! So sweet!
Thank you Kristy. I want to show every page, really happy with it.
Your photo book is gorgeous! ?
Thank you so much
omg so precious
I loveeee Shutterfly books! Your's is absolutely stunning. What a wonderful thing to be able to cherish!!!
I love Shutterfly and use them for everything! I need to make some more photo books! I absolutely love Luke's!
This is such a great service! Your book came out amazing! I love how you put one together for Luke's first year!
i am so behind on printing out photos, i need to do this!
Both my brother and brother-in-law made us books when my daughter was a baby and I feel *terrible* that I haven't ever done one for my son. I thought I'd have to set aside WEEKS to do it (weeks I'll never have) so I'm glad to hear it's so quick and easy!